Lowongan Kerja

Ada info nih, valid infonya! buat teman-teman netter yang punya saudara atau teman yang tinggal di daerah kota Serang atau Cilegon dan tengah membutuhkan pekerjaan, ada nih, mungkin cocok, silahkan di apply :


Kami dari perusahaan yang sedang berkembang, tengah membutuhkan beberapa orang tenaga professional untuk posisi (A). Staff Finance  & (B). Engineer (Piping – Mechanical). Syarat-syarat untuk kedua posisi tersebut :


1.       Fresh graduate Dimploma atau S-1 untuk posisi (A) atau bagi yang setara dengan SMA boleh dan dipertimbangkan dengan tambahan syarat sudah pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang akuntansi.

2.       STM berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun atau fresh graduate Diploma / S-1 (Jurusan Mesin, Kimia atau Teknik Industri), untuk posisi (B)

3.       Berkedudukan di daerah kota Serang/Cilegon dan sekitarnya, untuk posisi (A) & (B).

4.       Mampu mengoperasikan AutoCAD dan membuat gambar ISO Metric Piping, untuk (B)

5.       Sehat jasmani dan rohani.


Apabila Anda berminat dan merasa masuk dalam kualifikasi yang telah kami sebutkan, silahkan kirim CV lengkap surat-surat pendukungnya ke :


Selamat bekerja dan berkarya 🙂

Unlock Haier C2000 si Hepi & Fren

Sudah beberapa lama ogut lihat lihat postingan buanyak orang tentang unlock hanphone mungkil murah meriah ini. Sekarang sudah lengkap 3 bulan ogut pake Fren paket sobat 🙂 bener bener worthed banget deh, cuman invest kurang dari 350 rebo dapet 2 buah hape plus 4 nomor perdana sobat, bisa kite pake ngobrol ampe capek gratissss tisssss 🙂 salut untuk Fren – Mobile – 8 🙂 Tengkiu!.

Hari ini karena iseng nungguin adik ipar dateng,… lama banget, jadi ogut gunakan aja iseng mencoba unlock ini hape 🙂 ternyata mudah banget 🙂
Dari pertama beli dahulu ingin cepet2 unlock karena mo pake itu hape sebagai modem 3G  CDMA pake Smart, tapi sampe sekarang belum pernah mencoba hehehe.

Step unlock C2000 ini ada beberapa phase, :
1. install driver C2000 dulu (data interface) setelah driver ter install, matikan hape tanpa harus melepas cable data.
2. langkah selanjutnya, jalankan program DLoaderLite.exe
3. jangan lupa centang “backup/restore NV” yah 🙂
4. trus jangan lupa juga sesuaikan “Com Port” si C2000 yang terpasang pada computer anda (bisa di lihat di “device manager”)
5. setelah meng input Com Port yang sama dan sudah men centang backup/restore NV, kemudian bisa diteruskan dengan click “Start” 🙂
6. Proses pertama unlock C2000, software melakukan backup NV kemudian menuliskan “software standard dr haier ke C2000 hepi”.

#~ Writing new software, 34% progress

#~ Writing new software, 60% progress

#~ Writing new software, 100% progress

Setelah DLoaderLite.exe menuliskan new software, dia akan melakukan “Restore NV” kembali ke dalam hape Hepi C2000 🙂 *agak sedikit lama* proses yang ini, sabar saja menunggu nya.

#~ Status menunggu pada saat DLoaderLite akan melakukan “restore NV”

#~ DLoaderLite.exe telah menyelesaikan tugasnya *mereplace software fren dengan software standard dari Haier dan merestore kembali NV*

Note: jangan lupa juga yah, file C2000_original_Indonesia.bin harus di tentukan di window DLoaderLite.exe pada saat akan meng click “Start”.

Setelah proses “Unlock” selesai, hape C2000 Hepi ogut langsung “restart” kemudian ogut matikan trus ogut pasang kembali kartu “Fren Sobat”, hehehe semua lancar, bisa di pake call dan sms, contras Hape Hepi saja yang perlu di sesuaikan setelah di unlock 🙂

Nah, mungkin kalo saya bener-bener kepincut pengin pake Smart, Flexy ato Esia, baru deh ogut coba pake di Hepi C2000 ogut yang telah ter unlock 🙂

Makasih Fren Mobile 8, saya masih setia kok pake product mu 🙂 unlock Hape Hepi ini hanya untuk menambah pengalaman saja 🙂 hehehe.

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VW Beetle, Wiring Diagram, Th 1962 s/d Th 1965

Bagi yang hobby dengan old volks seperti saya, memiliki documents refference untuk melakukan perbaikan kelistrikan old volks kita tentunya akan sangat menyenangkan.
Mobil tua seperti ve beetle sedan yang berusia lebih dari 40 tahun tentunya sudah harus diganti semua cabling systemnya dikarenakan usia dan biasanya para pengguna mobil di indonesia tidak terlalu serius terhadap rangkaian kelistrikan mobil yang digunakan, apalagi mobil tua, yang penting jalan sudah! 😀 hehehe, ironis yah 🙂

Berikut saya sertakan wiring diagram untuk vw kodok tua seperti yang saya pelihara, semoga bermanfaat, he3x :

  1. Fuse mapping
    • fuse mapping vw kodok

  2. Wiring diagram
    • wiring diagram vw kodok

  3. Key/Keterangan.
    • keterangan wiring diagram vw kodok

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Rate of HHO Gas & Influence Factor

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi besar kecil nya hydroxy gas terproduksi serta diagram PWM ex. stan meyer, ini hanya refference saja karena ada desakan dari teman-teman untuk di post kan disini, soalnya kalau disuruh kirim email attachment, koneksi ane yang cuman pake IM2 lemot nya bene bener lemot mot mot, suseh kirim nya gagal molo.


The rate of hydroxy gas production depends on a number of factors:

  1. The liquid used for electrolysis. If distilled water is used, then almost no current will flow through the cell as
    distilled water has a very high resistance to current flow, and almost no gas will be produced. It is normal
  2. practice to add some other substance to the water to increase the rate of gas production. If salt is added to the water, the rate of electrolysis increases enormously. However, that is not a good choice of additive as the salt forms a corrosive mixture and Chlorine gas is produced along with the Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses. The same goes for battery acid; it does work but it is a very poor choice which causes practical problems over a period of time. Other additives will create the increase in gas production but have similar undesirable effects. Two additives stand out as being the best choices. The first is Sodium Hydroxide (chemical symbol NaOH), sometimes called ‘lye’. The very best choice is Potassium Hydroxide (chemical symbol KOH) which is available in pellet form. Potassium Hydroxide acts as a catalyst in the process of electrolysis in that it promotes the gas production but does not get used up in the process.
  3. The spacing of the electrode plates. The closer together the plates are placed, the greater the rate of gas production. There is a practical limit to this, as bubbles of gas formed between the plates have to be able
    to escape and rise to the surface. The optimum spacing is generally considered to be 3 mm or 1/8 inch, although some people prefer to have a 5 mm gap between the plates. These plates are typically made from 316 grade stainless steel.
  4. The area of the electrode plates and the preparation of the plate surface. The greater the plate area, the greater the rate of gas production. Some of this effect may be due to the improvement in the chances of bubbles escaping from the plates and not blocking some of the plate area. It is recommended that each face of every electrode plate has an area of between two and four square inches (13 and 25 square centimetres) per amp of current flowing through the cell. The preparation of the surface of the plates has a major effect on the rate of gas production. A major improvement is achieved if both sides of each plate are sanded in a criss-cross pattern (this produces an increased surface area with thousands of microscopic peaks which help bubbles form and leave the plate). The plates are then assembled and immersed in the electrolyte solution for about three days. This creates a protective white coating on the surface of the plates which helps enhance the electrolysis. The
    plates are then rinsed off with distilled water and the cell is refilled with a fresh solution of electrolyte.
  5. The current flowing through the cell. This is an absolutely key factor in gas production, and one of the most difficult to control accurately and economically. The greater the current, the greater the rate of gas production. The current is controlled by the concentration of Potassium Hydroxide in the electrolyte (water plus KOH) and the voltage across the cell. The voltage across the cell has limited effect as it reaches a maximum at just 1.24 volts. Up to that point, an increase in voltage causes an increase in gas production rate. Once the voltage gets over 1.24 volts, increasing it further produces no further increase in the rate of gas production. If the voltage is increased above 1.24 volts, the extra voltage goes to heat the electrolyte. Assume that the current through the cell is 10 amps. In that case, the power used to produce gas is 10 amps x 1.24 volts = 12.4 watts. When the engine is running, the voltage at the battery terminals will be about 13.8 volts as the alternator provides the extra voltage to drive current into the battery. The excess voltage applied to the cell is about 1.24 less than that, say 12.5 volts. The power which heats the electrolyte is about 12.5 volts x 10 amps = 125 watts. That is ten times the power being used to produce gas. This is very, very inefficient.
  6. The following diagram may help you understand the situation:The best electrode material for the plates is 316L-grade stainless steel. It is hard to believe, but there is a voltage drop across the plate, which makes it necessary to apply about 2 volts to the plates on each side of the cell. So, if you are running off 12 volts, then six cells in a row across the battery gives the maximum possible drive. With the engine running and providing almost 14 volts, seven cells gives the highest possible drive. The electrolyte heating up is a wholly bad thing as it drives a good deal of water vapour out of the electrolyte and this mixes with the gas and is fed to the engine. Injecting water mist, which is a fine spray of water droplets, into an engine increases its performance due to the water expanding when it is heated. This improves both the engine power and the miles per gallon, and it makes the engine run cooler, which improves the life of the engine. But water vapour is a bad thing as it is already fully expanded and just gets in the way of the hydroxy gas, diluting it and lowering the power of the engine with no benefit at all. As the voltage applied to the cell is pretty much fixed, the current flow is controlled by the concentration of Potassium Hydroxide in the electrolyte and the plate area. Once the cell is built, the plate area is fixed, so the current is adjusted by controlling the amount of KOH added to the water. There is a slight limit to this, in that the gas production increases with KOH concentration until the concentration reaches 28% (by weight). After that point, any increase in the concentration produces a reduction in the rate of gas production. General practice is to have a fairly low concentration of KOH which is found by trial. Bob Boyce, who is very experienced in this field, says that you should never add water to NaOH or KOH. Always start with water, and add the chemical to the water SLOWLY, stirring well and allowing the mixture to cool in between additions. Shelf life depends on how well it is sealed from the atmosphere. Carbon is an enemy to this process. Whether the KOH is in dry or liquid form, it will absorb carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere, or any other source of free carbon. As this happens, the catalytic effect is diminished. The more carbon is absorbed, the less the catalytic efficiency of the electrolyte. So, if you wish to maintain maximum performance, it is crucial to keep air out of your dry or liquid chemical storage containers, AND away from the electrolyte in your cells.
  7. The temperature of the electrolyte. The hotter the electrolyte, the higher the current carried through it. This can be a snag. Suppose it is decided that the current through the cell is to be 10 amps and the electrolyte concentration adjusted to give that current when the engine is started. As time passes, the 125 watts of excess power drawn from the battery, heats the electrolyte, which in turn causes an increase in the current flowing through the cell, which causes even greater heating, which….. The result is positive feedback which causes a runaway temperature effect. This effect is aggravated by the water in the cell being used up as the vehicle drives along. This raises the concentration of the electrolyte because the amount of KOH remains the same while the amount of water reduces. There are different ways of dealing with this problem. One is to reduce the concentration of KOH so that the chosen current is only reached when the electrolyte has reached its maximum working temperature. This is a simple solution with the slight disadvantage that the gas production rate when starting is lower than it could be. However, the heating power is so high that it will not be long until the cell is operating at its maximum temperature. A different way to handle the problem is to use an electronic circuit to limit the current through the cell to the chosen value by dropping the voltage applied to the cell. This has the disadvantage that the extra power is being dissipated in the electronics which then has a heat problem. Also, this solution does not improve the overall efficiency of the process. The best way of all is to reduce the voltage applied to the cell by using more than one cell connected in a daisy-chain across the battery. With two cells, each will get about seven volts across it and the gas production will be doubled. If space in the engine compartment allows, a chain of six cells can be used which means each receives about two volts and the waste powers is reduced to some 10.6 watts per cell, while the gas production is six times higher. With the higher rate of gas production, it would probably be possible to reduce the chosen current flowing through the cell. Also, with six cells, the amount of water is six times greater and so there will be less concentrating of the electrolyte due to the water being used up.
    This is a “Series-Cell” arrangement.
  8. The number of bubbles sticking to the surface of the electrode plates. This is generally considered to be a significant problem. Many methods have been used to deal with it. Some people use magnets, others pump the electrolyte around to dislodge the bubbles, others use buzzers to vibrate the plates and some pulse the voltage to the cell at just the right frequency to vibrate the cell. One of the best methods is to use the intake strokes of the engine to draw air through the cell (or cells).

Okay, than here is PWM from Stan meyer :
This electrclyser arrangement can be driven either via an a ternator or by a, electronic circuit. A 8U table circuit for the alternator arrangement is:

In this rather unusual circuit, the rotor INinding of an alternator is pulsed via an oscillator circuit »vhich has variable frequency and variable Mark/Space ratio and ……hich can be gated on and off to produce the output waveform shown below the alternator in the circuit diagram. This is the wavetcrm recommended by Stan Meyer . The oscilator circuit has a degree of supply de-coupling by the 100 ohm resister feedihg the – 100 micro farad capacitor.
This is to reduce voltage ripple corninq alorg the +12 volt supply line, caused by the current pu ses through the rotor winding.
The output arranqement feeding the pipe electrodes of the electrolyser is copied directly from Stan meyer’s circuit diagram. It is peculiar n that the positive pulses from each stator winding (shown in red in the circuit diagram) are applied to just two of the outer pipes, while the negative pulses (shown in blue n the circuit diagram are applied to all six inner tubes . It is hot obvious why Stan drew : that way, as you would expect all six outer tubes to be wired in parallel in the same way as the inner tubes are.
If the alternator does not have the winding , taken to the outside of the casing. it is necessary to open the alternator, remove the internal regulator and diodes and pull out three leads from tha ends of the stator windings . If you have an alternator which has the windings already accessible from the outside, than the stator winding connections are likely to be as shown here:

This same performance (An be produced by the solid-state circuit on its own. as shown here:

* discontinue…

#by: Patrick.

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Fuel Cell HHO untuk VW Beetle 1964

Setelah check list mesin beetle sudah yakin oke, kemaren ogut mempersiapkan kembali fuel cell HHO
(hydroxy) dan water injection (wa-i) untuk si kodok kongkang 🙂

Moga moga saja pemasangan kali ini akan memberikan efisiensi pemakaian bahan bakar yang lebih baik lagi. Kalau dulu bisa dapat 1 liter = 16 KM, maka pemasangan kembali saat sekarang ini saya berharap bisa mencapai 1 liter = 25 KM atau lebih.

Fuel cell yang di generasi oleh proses elektrolisis secara umum bisa dijelaskan sebagai berikut :

Pada proses konvesional electrolisis dengan media demin water, gas hidrogen dapat terproduksi oleh karena adanya electrolyzing an acidic or alkaline aqueous solution. Overall proses yang terjadi bisa diterjemahkan seperti dibawah ini :

H2O + Electrical Energi –> H2 + 1/2 O2

Dimana energi listrik di konversi ke energi kimia menjadi gas hidrogen. Reaksi pada bagian katoda adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Katode (elektrode hidrogen)
  • 2 H2O + 2e-    –>   H2 + 2OH-
  • Anode (elektrode oxygen)
    • 2 OH   –>  1/2 O2 + H2O + 2e-

    Pada proses ini air sangat dibutuhkan dan hanya 2 elektrode yang terlibat dalam proses penguraian molekul air. Pada reaksi elektrolisa ini tidak terdapat reaksi sampingan yang merugikan (tidak bisa diterima oleh lingkungan). Jadi proses dari reaksi tersebut diatas bersih, aman (note: sesuai bidang keilmuan) dan tidak memerlukan pemisahan atau pun purifikasi product yang di hasilkan.

    Hukum pertama dari thermodinamic untuk sistem yang terbuka adalah sebagai berikut :

    • Q – Ws = dH    (r: 4)

    Dimana Q = panas yang ditambahkan pada sistem. Ws = beban sistem & dH = perubahan entalphy pada sistem. Beban yang ada pada elektolizer, Ws :

    • Ws = – n F E    (r: 5)
    • dimana :
    • n : jumlah electron yang di transfer
    • F : nilai konstanta dari Faraday = 23.074 cal/volt gm equiv dan
    • E : nilai tegangan yang di aplikasikan pada sistem.
  • Memanipulasi rumus nomor 4 & 5, kita bisa mendapatkan :
  • E = (dH – Q) : n F   (r: 6)
    • Untuk isothermal reversible proses, nilai Q bisa sebagai berikut :
  • Qrev = T dS   (r: 7)
    • T = temperature
    • dS = perubahan temperature pada sistem entropy. substitusi rumus no. 7 dengan rumus no. 6 memberikan hasil sebagai berikut (which neither hydrogen nor oxygen can be generated). :
    • Erev = (dH – T dS) : n F    (r: 8)
  • (dH – T dS) adalah peluang di dalam sistem gibbs free energy dG. dt kondisi standard ( 25 derajat celcius & 1 atm ) dH sama dengan 68.320 cal/gmole and dG sama dengan 56.690 cal/gmole. Oleh karena itu, Cell Reversible Potensial sama dengan :
    • Erev = dG : (n F)
    • = 56.690 : (2 x 23.074)
    • = 1.23 volt.
    • will be continue! *capek ogut nya*

    ## peralatan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat fuel cell

    ## lengkap dengan difusi hidrgen

    ## fuel cell HHO yang sudah siap di pasang di VW beetle 1964

    ## fuel cell HHO di coba doloe sebelum di install

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    IGCC: Integrated Gasification Combine Cycle Technology

    Panel on “Clean Coal Technologies” in ODTU Alumni in Ankara

    Dear Energy Professional, Dear Colleagues,

    We had a meeting on Saturday afternoon 23rd February 2008 at the main conference room of “Chamber of Engineers” head office in Ankara Thessalonica Street. The meeting was held with participation of leading senior/ retired members of local energy business, former General Managers, former operation managers, senior researchers of various public enterprises, as well as senior local energy experts.

    Flow Diagram IGCC

    Flow Diagram IGCC

    The subject was “Clean Coal Technologies” which is actually the code name for Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle technology. IGCC is a new technology to answer global warming.

    This new technology produces synthetic gas from coal. Synthetic gas has almost one fourth of the heating value of average natural gas.

    IGCC technology is first innovated by Germans during WW2 to produce gas and/or liquid fuel for the fighting war vehicles in an environment with no petroleum resources, and further developed in South Africa during world embargo against their apartheid practices in their domestic politics.

    Since the equivalent cost per barrel is/was around 50 US Dollars for the synthetic fuel, it was not feasible in the past to apply “clean coal technologies” since it had no chance of competition against low petroleum prices then. However the time has changed and petroleum now costs more than 100 US Dollars per barrel, therefore IGCC technology is now an attractive fuel option.

    Our guest speaker, Dr Iskender Gokalp is a Turkish national scientist, Directeur in ICARE, Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement, UPR3021 du Centre National de Recherche Technologique, “Propulsion du Futur” in 1c, Av. de la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orléans cedex 2, France, http://www.cnrs-orleans.fr/icare/

    He comes to Turkey, to his homeland, one week for each month to pursue and execute a project to grand PhD scholarships to young Turkish engineers/ scientists in France on coal utilization, combustion technologies, supported by Turkish Coal Board and European Union under current FB7 program.

    He created many scientific publications, and also had great influence in international scientific circles. He recommends us to carry out more research on “Clean Coal Technologies” on local Turkish Lignite specifically on low heating value coal mines, to justify its application and competitiveness.

    He advises that local lignite coal could be the best option for application of integrated gasification. Your humble writer sincerely feels that Dr.Iskender GOKALP has all reason to advise on application of “Clean Coal Technologies” in local lignite reserves.

    It is also our sincere feeling that clean-coal technology is a must. Energy tops the agenda of all local winter meetings. Next-generation coal is going to need to continue to be part of our energy future for our country. It is abundant, it is locally available, in the sense that we control the supply.

    Next-generation coal typically refers to capturing and somehow sequestering or storing the carbon that coal produces. It also envisions reducing or eliminating emissions as coal is burned. It is possible to continue relying on the fossil fuel while minimizing its impact on the environment.

    We cannot ignore coal, we should find better ways to utilize local lignite coal. That is important because electricity demand will ever increase in the future.

    We all know that Coal has a CO2 problem, Wind has a reliability problem, Solar has a price problem, Nuclear power plants have price, radiation and unsafe disposal problem, so all of those technologies have opportunities and they all have problems.

    What we can say about coal, is that we have it locally. We have it in a greater supply.

    Synthetic gas production could be a bid expensive but the rest of the system is well-known combined cycle power plant.

    Prevailing overall market price is around 1200- 1500 US dollars per KW installed capacity for 600-1000 MWe power plant test sizes. By localizing the technology, we can substantially reduce that first installations cost.

    On the other hand local low LHV lignite has current fuel cost less than 2 (two) US Dollars per million BTU gross, whereas imported coal cost is 6- 8 US Dollars gross, Natural gas cost is around 8-10 US Dollar, and imported LNG price in spot market is around 17-18 USD per million BTU.

    Senior experts have an ideefixe for application of IGCC on high heating value bituminous coal or steam coal. On the other hand, Dr Gokalp says that IGCC has potential application on low heating value lignite. It is for sure that we do not know if IGCC is perfect match for our lignite. All we have to do is to allocate more funds for more research on local lignite.

    We shall have a panel on “Clean Coal Technologies” in ODTU Alumni Association Visnelik premises in Ankara on 10th March 2008 Monday at 1900 hours.

    Dr Iskender Gokalp will be one of four distinguished panelists. The other panelists are Prof Dr Bekir Zuhtu UYSAL, Director of Clean Energy Institute of Gazi University, Dr Selahaddin ANAÇ GM of Turkish Coal Board, and Mr. Orhan Baybars ME’79, former site construction manager of Afsin Elbistan-B thermal power plant.

    Panel will be conducted in Turkish, and it is open for all interested parties. Entrance is free-of-charge. We have free coffee/ tea services. Please do participate if you would be in Ankara on that day. Your comments are always welcome.

    Haluk Direskeneli
    ODTU ME’1973 – Ankara MMO 6606